Thursday, December 2


Title: The "Dark Matter Fudge"
by: kei


As an astrophysicist in my former being, I cannot help but keep my finger on the pulse of everything new and exciting (sometimes old and reiterated) that goes on in the world of science.


You may all be familiar with "Dark Matter", or as I like to call it, the "Dark Matter Fudge" - the dynamics within the universe compute to a lot more mass than we can physically observe in the universe, hence there must be matter that we cannot "see". Let's fudge our calculations to match the Big Bang model by assuming that this matter is there anyway and giving this unobservable matter, a "Dark" prefix.

Image courtesy: NASA (Red Dwarf, read more: English | 日本語)

最近「ネーチャー」という科学雑誌に公表された論文によりますと、ビッグバン後最初に誕生した銀河等には赤色矮星※(せきしょくわいせい、red-dwarf star)が今まで論じてた数より多く存在してると。赤色矮星は我々の太陽より半分以上小さく星で、HをHeに核融合でエネルギーを発生し、交換化率が減速する、太陽より10〜100倍の寿命の星である。発生してるほのかなエネルギーを長距離から量れる様になったのはつい最近のことで、天文学界が最近まで量れなかった赤色矮星はどんどん数多く見つけられています。いわゆる、見え(量れ)なかったダークマター(暗黒物質)は一部赤色矮星だったかも知れないって!これはこれは...ビッグニュースじゃん!

A recent published paper in the scientific journal Nature claims that older galaxies (formed shortly after the Big Bang) produced a larger number of smaller stars (red dwarfs※) that are less than half the mass of our star, the Sun. So since our telescopes, and the tricks of the trade, are only now beginning to be sophisticated enough to resolve red-dwarfs at larger distance, scientists are now seeing that older galaxies have far more red dwarf stars than was originally expected. So the implication is that these red-dwarf stars, which we couldn't see until now, are actually so many in number that they could be part of the missing mass that we so lovingly called "Dark Matter".


A testament to the scientific process - when you expect to see something but you don't, give it a "dark" prefix. And one day when more corporates give you more money to make more expensive equipment, you can find out that what you assumed to be dark, was actually glowing red.


Funny thing is, 80% of the 30 closes stars around the Sun, are red dwarf stars. I mean, surely that's a clue!

Nature article:
(need subscription for full article)(有料)

BBC summary that completely misses the point:

- x -

Red Dwarf - Commonly known as a popular British TV series, the name actually comes from two distinctive properties: "Dwarf" from the smaller mass of the stars - less than half the mass of the Sun, and "Red" as they fuse hydrogen to form helium, the heat is convected across the star but the rate of fusion declines giving them a perpetual red glow (they are actually, at their brightest, only a 1/10th as bright as the Sun). The ever slowing rate of fusion makes them the longest living stars in the known universe. In fact, in stellar astrophysics, the HR diagram (Hertzsprung-Russel) plots types of stars in a sequence (main sequence) and as stars grow old, they go off the main sequence - red dwarfs are off the main sequence making them ideal candidates for dating galaxies - so observe how many stars in a galaxy are off the main sequence and this gives you a lower limit for the age of the galaxy. Proxima Centuri, the star closest to the Earth, is also a red-dwarf.

赤色矮星とはイギリスには人気ドラマとして知られてるのは多いけど、実際の天文学に名前は赤い色に熱烈する矮星だから「赤色矮星」と呼ばれてる。 HをHeに核融合でエネルギーを発生し、交換化率が減速する、太陽より10〜100倍の寿命の星であって、10分の1の明るさで熱烈する。星系天文学にはヘルツプラン・ラッセル図式(HR図式)があって、宇宙の全種類の星が整理されてます。 このHR図式にはメインシークエンスと呼ばれてる通常の星の種類、または長い寿命に掛かる各段階が提示されてます。赤色矮星はこのメインシークエンスから離れてる星で、この種類の星の数によって銀河の寿命の最低限を計算出来る。ちなみに、太陽から最も近い星「プロキシマ・ケンタウリ」は4.2光年の距離にある星は実際に赤色矮星です!

Thursday, November 25


Title: Which would you go for?
by: kei

The beautiful and time honoured tradition of "lieu days" and "sick leave" have been put into place to protect employees. A worker may receive overtime pay or/plus equal time off for each hour worked on certain agreed days such as weekends and Bank Holidays.

代休 か 有給休暇 は労働者の為に実施され、休日に働く時間の代わりに同じ時間休めるのは労働者の正式的な権利になるでしょう。

So the question is this: if you found yourself in a situation where you were entitled to days in lieu and/or paid leave, and taking or not them would mean the difference between being refreshed and burning out needing sick leave, which would you go for?


I've been working without much rest with business travel nonstop since late July, if I don't take days in lieu, I feel like I will collapse and will need to take sick days off. For now I still have another two hours on the bullet train to Tokyo followed by another half an hour onwards to get home. And look it just started raining!



Saturday, July 31


Title: Say Hello! to Mimi-chan
by: kei


On kei's birthday,
hime brought home a new friend.

me with mimi-chan

What is this feeling?
Is this love at first sight?

OMG! She's adorable!

Wednesday, July 28


Title: What "cool weather"?
by: kei

The weather report on the evening news today said it was a "cool weather amidst immense summer heat".

Huh? Where?

絶対オカシイ!  ってか、23度を越えると「暑い」という俺には36度も、31度も、どっちでもとにかく暑い!! 汗
Just because the temperature dropped to 31 in the evening, from 36 in the afternoon, you can't call that "became cooler". 36 degrees is HOT in my book no matter which way you look at it!

Japan is all about becoming more green. I don't commute to work and I will use my low CO2 footprint to instead turn the air conditioner down to 23 degrees ... all as part of my Eco allowance!

Times I suffered heat strokes:
軽タイプ(1日復帰)- 1回
重タイプ(数日復帰)- 0回

And I would like to keep it that way!

Thursday, July 22



It's been three weeks now since...
kei bought his iPad!

me with iPad


I had no idea how canine-friendly it is!
I too can now surf the Internet and check my facebook on the go!


Wednesday, June 30

「ケイ日記」Voliatility in Crude

Title: Volatility in Crude
by: kei

From: Economic Times (Reuters), on how India's decision to cut oil subsidies could bring economic stability to the world economy.

Volatility in Crude - how subsidies brought the world down!

Market analysts remain fiercely divided about what caused the doubling of crude oil prices between Q1 2007 (when they averaged $58 per barrel) and Q2 2008 ($124). But three factors were crucially important:

Extensive price controls and subsidies on refined product prices across most of Asia and the Middle East ensured households and firms were insulated from the rise in oil prices. Price controls broke the “invisible hand” and meant regional consumers faced no real pressure to reduce consumption or switch to alternative fuels despite the doubling in crude costs.

The entire burden of adjustment therefore fell on households and firms in the advanced industrial economies. Prices had to surge high enough to force deep cuts in the western world’s oil consumption to offset supply shortages and unrestrained demand growth in emerging markets.

Oil producers were unwilling or unable to materially increase supply in response to soaring prices. In the short term, supply is fairly fixed.

Those producers holding spare capacity (mostly Saudi Arabia) either had the wrong sort of crude (heavy, sour) or doubted that adding additional barrels to the market would make much difference, given inventories already appeared to be at reasonable levels and there was no sign of physical shortages.

Hedge funds and other “managed money” participants built up a (then record) net long position in oil futures and options on the assumption that although prices were already high, they would need to rise even further to “choke off” demand and balance the market.

In particular, many investors seem to have concluded that neither emerging market demand nor crude supply would be very responsive to prices unless they spiked to exceptionally high levels.

The interval between mid-May and early July 2008, when prices started peaking, saw two significant developments which probably convinced many participants the market was turning: China announced huge increases in state-controlled gasoline and diesel prices to take effect from June 20, and Saudi Arabia said at the Jeddah summit in June it would increase output to 9.7 million barrels per day.

By the start of September — well before the collapse of Lehman Brothers brought on a liquidity crisis — crude prices had already fallen almost a third to around $100 per barrel.  

Tuesday, May 25


Title: Korea on Business
by: kei

I always wanted to work at a job where I could travel a lot.
I suppose you could even say that it was my "dream" ...

... and now that dream has been realised, in a manner of speaking, in that I travel a lot - however I've also realised that dreams are merely, incomplete, biased constructs in our mind where we only see how good it would be and never once think about what would not be good.

Not so long ago, I had the energy to keep going and going, but now find myself often complaining about how tired I am; and rightly so, because I do travel quite a lot and it takes a toll on you.

Travelling for work, I have been all over Japan and seen more of it in less than two years than most people do living here a lifetime! I have seen Japan in all its glory through all four seasons and it has been great.

Travelling for work, I got to go to Las Vegas, and enjoy the famous lights of the strip.

Travelling for work, I have become very good at collecting miles one way or another, so much so that I am now collecting 10,000+ miles every month.


Travelling for work, I will now be making a short trip to South Korea, another country I can strike off my list of "countries I want to visit".

And since my Korean language skills are limited to 5 words: Bulgogi (grilled meat), Bibimbap (Korean rice bowl), Kimchi (Korean pickles), Chijimi (Korean omelette) and Anyohaseyo (Hello), if anything, I feel I will not go hungry during this trip - which is a good thing because I love Korean food :)


See you when I get back!

Sunday, March 14

「ケイ日記」Naruto and QUE

by: kei

電子ペーパーのこと知ってる人手を挙げて. . .
All those who know what e-paper is, raise you hands ...


Our understanding of the word paper is changing. The world is moving towards everything "Green" and everything "Eco" and this will soon become true for paper. The future of paper is electronic and it is here. I visited CES this year and witnessed nearly every major electronics manufacturer working on e-paper. Why is this so important, because I work with e-paper.

That is correct, yours truly, is the Japanese Representative for Plastic Logic. Have you heard of Plastic Logic? If not, look here.


For a year now I have been working towards the source and selection of manufacturing equipment for the Plastic Logic factory in Germany. And now, the product is ready - and the technology is on the brink of its début on the world stage. No silicon, no glass, only organic semiconductors forming a transistor array that is made completely out of plastic. It is lighter, stronger, thinner, cheaper to make and flexible. It is the FUTURE.


When in Japan, what better way to show our new QUE product to our Japanese suppliers, than to upload some manga on it and sharing with them the reading experience of the future! I give you, the QUE pro-reader with Naruto Shippuuden Manga!

A few people around us on the Shinkansen (bullet train) commented on how "cool" this was!

Links (外部リンク):

Friday, January 15


Title: Recent Happenings
by: kei

Hello all!

It has been a really long time since I last posted an entry here on my and charlie's blog  - in a manner of speaking, I haven't written here since last year!! So I thought that I would quickly waste some time, seeing as I have lots of it to kill sitting on a bullet train from Osaka to Tokyo, and write something. Only, I haven't a clue of what I want to write.

So through the magic of the iPhone, I will upload some recent pictures.


Last week, I went to Las Vegas to attend the CES 2010 for work. CES was great, but everything else about the trip was a disaster, namely my flights to and from Vegas. On the way to Vegas, I flew 12 hours to San Fransisco, waited 5 hours for my connection to Vegas but my luggage arrived two days later. On the way back, I flew to Chicago, four hours in the wrong direction, waited there for 5 hours and then flew 14 hours to Tokyo. The time difference between Vegas and Tokyo is 17 hours ・・・which pretty much means that for one week, I didn't sleep properly (jetlag) and my return journey, including the time-difference, was 44 hours door-to-door!!!!


Intel's Infospace is a proof of concept running on their Intel Core i7 processor and is the next generation in information surfing interactive interfaces. Channels with real-time images and information running acoss the screen and you pick what you want. I wish I could replace an entire wall in my apartment with this gizmo!

I want it!

I love Tokyo Tower and everyone around me knows this. And this is exactly why I every month willingly pay an expensive rent so that I can enjoy a fantastic view of it from my central Tokyo 14th story penthouse.


On this fine Sunday evening, Tokyo Tower was all colorfully lit-up.

こないだは出張で福山(@広島県)に行ってきました。、福山駅前の「Fukuyama Castle View Inn」に泊まってて、翌日の朝に起きてカーテンを開いたら、キャッセルは見えなかったので、大ガッカリした!

I was in the Japanese town of Fukuyama, near Hiroshima, on work and stayed at the Castle View Inn. Now, as the  name suggests, the hotel looks onto the very famous Fukuyama Castle. Except my view was a little different from what I was promised. I am not saying cut down the tree, but I hope you can appreciate the irony.

Castle View Innって言う名前を変えるべきではないかと思いますけど!

I can go on really with more and more pictures but I think I will wrap up for today.

For the past two days, I have been in Sakai near Osaka. For those who don't know, Sakai is fast becoming the "panel" capital of Japan, with Sharp and Panasonic, and a few others in the near vicinity, manufacturing flap panels (LCD, Plasma displays, Solar panels, etc.), all in huge factories located in and around Sakai. It was my first time to Sakai and now it is one more city I can mark on my "Cities I've Visited" app on Facebook!
