by: kei
Hello all!
It has been a really long time since I last posted an entry here on my and charlie's blog - in a manner of speaking, I haven't written here since last year!! So I thought that I would quickly waste some time, seeing as I have lots of it to kill sitting on a bullet train from Osaka to Tokyo, and write something. Only, I haven't a clue of what I want to write.
So through the magic of the iPhone, I will upload some recent pictures.
Last week, I went to Las Vegas to attend the CES 2010 for work. CES was great, but everything else about the trip was a disaster, namely my flights to and from Vegas. On the way to Vegas, I flew 12 hours to San Fransisco, waited 5 hours for my connection to Vegas but my luggage arrived two days later. On the way back, I flew to Chicago, four hours in the wrong direction, waited there for 5 hours and then flew 14 hours to Tokyo. The time difference between Vegas and Tokyo is 17 hours ・・・which pretty much means that for one week, I didn't sleep properly (jetlag) and my return journey, including the time-difference, was 44 hours door-to-door!!!!
Intel's Infospace is a proof of concept running on their Intel Core i7 processor and is the next generation in information surfing interactive interfaces. Channels with real-time images and information running acoss the screen and you pick what you want. I wish I could replace an entire wall in my apartment with this gizmo!
I want it!
I love Tokyo Tower and everyone around me knows this. And this is exactly why I every month willingly pay an expensive rent so that I can enjoy a fantastic view of it from my central Tokyo 14th story penthouse.
On this fine Sunday evening, Tokyo Tower was all colorfully lit-up.
こないだは出張で福山(@広島県)に行ってきました。、福山駅前の「Fukuyama Castle View Inn」に泊まってて、翌日の朝に起きてカーテンを開いたら、キャッセルは見えなかったので、大ガッカリした!
I was in the Japanese town of Fukuyama, near Hiroshima, on work and stayed at the Castle View Inn. Now, as the name suggests, the hotel looks onto the very famous Fukuyama Castle. Except my view was a little different from what I was promised. I am not saying cut down the tree, but I hope you can appreciate the irony.
Castle View Innって言う名前を変えるべきではないかと思いますけど!
I can go on really with more and more pictures but I think I will wrap up for today.
For the past two days, I have been in Sakai near Osaka. For those who don't know, Sakai is fast becoming the "panel" capital of Japan, with Sharp and Panasonic, and a few others in the near vicinity, manufacturing flap panels (LCD, Plasma displays, Solar panels, etc.), all in huge factories located in and around Sakai. It was my first time to Sakai and now it is one more city I can mark on my "Cities I've Visited" app on Facebook!