Thursday, December 2


Title: The "Dark Matter Fudge"
by: kei


As an astrophysicist in my former being, I cannot help but keep my finger on the pulse of everything new and exciting (sometimes old and reiterated) that goes on in the world of science.


You may all be familiar with "Dark Matter", or as I like to call it, the "Dark Matter Fudge" - the dynamics within the universe compute to a lot more mass than we can physically observe in the universe, hence there must be matter that we cannot "see". Let's fudge our calculations to match the Big Bang model by assuming that this matter is there anyway and giving this unobservable matter, a "Dark" prefix.

Image courtesy: NASA (Red Dwarf, read more: English | 日本語)

最近「ネーチャー」という科学雑誌に公表された論文によりますと、ビッグバン後最初に誕生した銀河等には赤色矮星※(せきしょくわいせい、red-dwarf star)が今まで論じてた数より多く存在してると。赤色矮星は我々の太陽より半分以上小さく星で、HをHeに核融合でエネルギーを発生し、交換化率が減速する、太陽より10〜100倍の寿命の星である。発生してるほのかなエネルギーを長距離から量れる様になったのはつい最近のことで、天文学界が最近まで量れなかった赤色矮星はどんどん数多く見つけられています。いわゆる、見え(量れ)なかったダークマター(暗黒物質)は一部赤色矮星だったかも知れないって!これはこれは...ビッグニュースじゃん!

A recent published paper in the scientific journal Nature claims that older galaxies (formed shortly after the Big Bang) produced a larger number of smaller stars (red dwarfs※) that are less than half the mass of our star, the Sun. So since our telescopes, and the tricks of the trade, are only now beginning to be sophisticated enough to resolve red-dwarfs at larger distance, scientists are now seeing that older galaxies have far more red dwarf stars than was originally expected. So the implication is that these red-dwarf stars, which we couldn't see until now, are actually so many in number that they could be part of the missing mass that we so lovingly called "Dark Matter".


A testament to the scientific process - when you expect to see something but you don't, give it a "dark" prefix. And one day when more corporates give you more money to make more expensive equipment, you can find out that what you assumed to be dark, was actually glowing red.


Funny thing is, 80% of the 30 closes stars around the Sun, are red dwarf stars. I mean, surely that's a clue!

Nature article:
(need subscription for full article)(有料)

BBC summary that completely misses the point:

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Red Dwarf - Commonly known as a popular British TV series, the name actually comes from two distinctive properties: "Dwarf" from the smaller mass of the stars - less than half the mass of the Sun, and "Red" as they fuse hydrogen to form helium, the heat is convected across the star but the rate of fusion declines giving them a perpetual red glow (they are actually, at their brightest, only a 1/10th as bright as the Sun). The ever slowing rate of fusion makes them the longest living stars in the known universe. In fact, in stellar astrophysics, the HR diagram (Hertzsprung-Russel) plots types of stars in a sequence (main sequence) and as stars grow old, they go off the main sequence - red dwarfs are off the main sequence making them ideal candidates for dating galaxies - so observe how many stars in a galaxy are off the main sequence and this gives you a lower limit for the age of the galaxy. Proxima Centuri, the star closest to the Earth, is also a red-dwarf.

赤色矮星とはイギリスには人気ドラマとして知られてるのは多いけど、実際の天文学に名前は赤い色に熱烈する矮星だから「赤色矮星」と呼ばれてる。 HをHeに核融合でエネルギーを発生し、交換化率が減速する、太陽より10〜100倍の寿命の星であって、10分の1の明るさで熱烈する。星系天文学にはヘルツプラン・ラッセル図式(HR図式)があって、宇宙の全種類の星が整理されてます。 このHR図式にはメインシークエンスと呼ばれてる通常の星の種類、または長い寿命に掛かる各段階が提示されてます。赤色矮星はこのメインシークエンスから離れてる星で、この種類の星の数によって銀河の寿命の最低限を計算出来る。ちなみに、太陽から最も近い星「プロキシマ・ケンタウリ」は4.2光年の距離にある星は実際に赤色矮星です!